Teaching Valuable Life Skills With Words of Wisdom

"Live, Love, Learn, Laugh"= wisdom

At Adolescents 2 Adult, we believe in providing adolescents with the proper guidance and wisdom they need to succeed in life. To help spread our message more easily, we teach the following words of wisdom (WOW):

  1. It's a proven fact that kids and young adults respond to a mediator/outsider better than their parents or legal guardians.
  2. In order to achieve, you must believe!
  3. Birds of the same feather, flock together!
  4. If a dog will bring a bone, so shall he carry one!
  5. Money and a fool will soon depart!
  6. Seek wisdom and knowledge.
  7. Leaders are developed through trials and tribulations.
  8. If the grass is greener, the water bill is higher.
  9. If you are on time, you are late!
  10. Listen to yourself (Intuition)
  11. Listen to your parents, grandparents, or guardian. "Experience is the only situation where you get the test before the lesson."
  12. There is nothing new under the sun; history repeats itself.
  13. One bird in the hands is better than two in the bush! (Security)
  14. The only time you should look down on another person is to help them up!
  15. If you see a problem and don't try to correct it, you just became part of the problem!
  16. “Listen, follow instructions and don't quit!” -Evander "The Real Deal" Holyfield
  17. Strive to learn something new each and every day.
  1. Nobody can take what you know, seek/gain knowledge!
  2. The early bird catches the worm!
  3. Two men were looking through bars, one saw mud, the other saw stars!
  4. Every person in your circle isn't in your corner. The circle gets smaller when things start to go wrong!
  5. Better a little with a clear mind than to have plenty and can't sleep at night.
  6. Why would you want to have an occupation where you need a gun that's not authorized?
  7. Pray without ceasing!
  8. Patience and faith are parallel; it's impossible to please GOD without FAITH!
  9. " Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.” - William A. Ward (1921-1994)
  10. "If it takes compliments for you to survive in this world; you will die from criticism."
  11. Society doesn't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  12. One must love themselves before one can love anyone else.
  13. Love is a boomerang: that's only a cliché, most people with a BIG heart are always getting treated the worse!
  14. “Good judgment comes from experience....and experience? Well that comes from poor judgment.” -Neil Kennedy"
  15. Choices and decisions all come with consequences; think about the positive and the negative before you make a decision. Choose wisely and whatever happens was meant to be.
  16. Respond instead of reacting because reacting leads to reactions, especially when dealing with the Blue. Respect the laws and officers appointed over to protect and serve. Respond with respect and react with respect. Do as you are told!

Dedicated to Generating Excitement

In our organization, we strive to have fun while we learn. We found that everyone is more inclined to pay attention to the speech when it’s fun and enjoyable. We use humor in conjunction with real-life situations so that children can learn from other people’s mistakes and mimic good habits. Regardless of what a person does, good or bad, one can learn from the situation.


Help Us Close the Deal

We are a nonprofit organization that mentors and trains young people in basketball, although our main focus is helping them off the court. Our team teaches leadership, hard work, teamwork, and respect for authority.

With these lessons in mind, these children will be better prepared for society once they depart from your roof. We teamed up with NBA All-Star and two-time NBA defensive player of the year “Super Sidney Moncrief” to help reach out to the youth.

Live, Love, Learn, and Laugh With Us

Our goal is to provide young people around the world with the wisdom they need to succeed in the world. For more information regarding our organization, connect with our team today.